Hi! My name is Carin. I'm the Carin in The Caring Creator. I'm often telling people to spell my name as Caring without the g. I grew up drawing pictures of faces for my dad to hang in his office, creating ice cream posters for my mom's work, painting the set when I was involved in musicals, and helping to decorate the Homecoming Hallway in highschool. My compassion and empathy for people led me to pursue the Human Services field. I have my Bachelors in Human & Community Services through SUNY Empire State College and 14 years experience in working with people with all abilities. In 2018 I started creating chalk art on the chalkboard at Rome Alliance Church to go with their sermon series. It was there that I rediscovered my identity- like the quote from The Lion King- I remembered who I am. I knew Jesus as my personal Savior and Redeemer, but in creating art I grew to know Him as my Healer and as Creator of the universe. In creating with Him, I continue to be amazed at how creative He is and how He can take my ordinary and make it extraordinary. The name of my business is an acknowledgement of that. I hope to continue to create things that inspire and build up community.

There's more to the story, but we can always talk more about it when we can grab a cup of coffee and stay awhile.